Word of Warning

TurboBoost Streams are a sharp tool (use them wisely)

This site is intended to demonstrate TurboBoost Streams features and capabilities. You should not consider the demos here a guide for how to build your own TurboBoost Streams app.

TurboBoost Streams are a foundational tool designed to help you build modern, maintainable, and scalable reactive web apps with Hotwire. They allows you to break free from the strict CRUD/REST conventions that Rails and Hotwire wisely encourage. You should consider TurboBoost Streams a substrate for building additional libraries and abstractions.

Please don't use TurboBoost Streams to manually orchestrate micro DOM updates (from the server). Such techniques are what gave rise to Full Stack Frontend and sent the industry on a decade long journey of complexity and frustration.

You're actually viewing the test/dummy app that is part of TurboBoost Streams test suite. In fact, we're using it to serve the following purposes.

  • Tests
  • Demos
  • Documentation
  • Marketing